Ivan tea fermented large-leaf fireweed tea

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Fermented large-leaf fireweed leaves (Koporsky tea)

Let me quote the words of a famous man about fireweed. Here's what Nikitin Albert Nikolayevich, an Academic, Professor, Doctor of Technical Science, laureate of the State Prize, wrote about it: " Our study of fireweed revealed that, depending on the area, the tea contains 69 to 71 useful micro elements. This is 2/3 of the best part of the periodic table. And most importantly, it is an unsurpassed antiseptic. It is just stunning, there are no its analogues in the natural world. Along with the antiseptic properties, it has the property of cleansing the body of toxins. This happens when the cell cannot cope with its functions. When using the tea the entire body is getting cleaned; after 2 weeks of regular use, you will feel the body beginning to blossom, fullness passes, and lightness appears. After taking 2 cups of tea, the hangover syndrome is removed. The tea contains about 17-18 amino acids that are very needed by everyone. That's why it is very important to drink fireweed today".

Useful medicinal properties of fireweed have been known for a long time:

- It has a preventive effect on the appearance of malignant and benign tumors,

-improves the composition of blood (alkalizes the blood),

- restores the strength in case of fatigue and exhaustion,

- increases the sexual vigor,

- increases immunity and resistance to various infections,

- strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect to the endocrine system,

- it is effective in treatment of genitourinary system diseases and prevention of prostatitis,

- serves as an excellent tool for the caries prevention,

- strengthens blood capillaries and vessels,

- is used for various forms of neurosis and nervous exhaustion treatment,

- reduces intoxication of the body, including the one caused by the radiation pollution,

- has an antipyretic effect,

- scars stomach and duodenal ulcers,

- removes heavy metals,

- has an anti-inflammatory effect (the highest protein number of all known plants 1: 400),

- relieves food and alcohol poisoning,

- it is effective in removing stones in the liver, kidneys and for spleen diseases,

- strengthens hair roots,

- eliminates headaches,

- normalizes the blood pressure,

-it is just a stunningly delicious and healing tea.

Koporsky tea promotes the treatment of both male and female infertility. Women drinking several cups of Koporsky tea a day may feel decreases in the frequency of "hot flashes" during menopause, they pass usually more gently; and most importantly, osteoporosis recedes, bones become more durable. It is useful to rinse teeth with fireweed tea during pregnancy, this well protects the enamel of teeth from destruction.

Ivan-chay (fireweed, Koporsky tea) – a delicious, beautiful and the healthiest tea in the World! Its chemical composition is not inferior to seaweed, but its healing power and nutritional value are much superior to it. It was believed in Russia that Koporsky tea can prevent or cure about 90% of all known diseases. The remaining 10% were treated with other plants, honey, tar, mushrooms and roots. Fireweed tea also scars duodenal ulcers and stomach, increases immunity to various respiratory viral infections, strengthens hair roots, normalizes the blood pressure, eliminates headaches and prevents early aging. Many fireweed healing effects are similar to baking soda. And this is not by chance. The fireweed plant mainly grows on the ash of peat and forest fires, which is the same alkali as baking soda. Koporsky tea, drunk in the evening before going to bed, can slow down the pulse, reduce the blood pressure and lower the body temperature. This so called "anabiosis" gives a chance to increase or extend the active phase of the human life for at least a quarter of its average duration, which you will agree is not so little... This was suspected by doctor Peter Badmaev (Zhamsaran), who devoted most of his scientific works to revealing the secrets of the fireweed  healing power at the beginning of the 20-th century. Badmaev became a father for the last time at the age of 101. He lived 110 years in total, and could have lived more... but captivity and prison did not allow him to do this... The fact is that at the beginning of the great Patriotic war, in August 1941, when the German army made the blockade of Leningrad, the German counterintelligence learned something in-ordinary about the research Institute for the study of the fireweed tea properties, which was headed by Peter Badmaev. This information made them thinking they would never defeat the Russian people, and due to this Hitler gave a special order according to which a tank division had to make a big detour to wipe out the village of Koporye (where, by the way, the name of tea came from), the research Institute and the crops of fireweed. Badmaev was also captured there. Even having such a venerable age, he lasted 2 more years in German prisons, but did not give out the secrets to the enemies, in spite of the fact that he had so many research achievements! I do not think that he allegedly senseless stated before the war that he was going to live up to 160-180 years! The fact is that Koporsky tea activates reserve forces of the body not used in everyday life.

Russian Empire exported the fireweed tea to Europe in huge scales. And it did not just compete, but practically began to displace Indian tea from the European market, which the English East India Tea Company imported to Europe from its Indian colony, which was, by the way, involved in the opium wars in China! Nothing changes in history. An information war started against the Koporsky tea; some mythical white clay parts were found in it... The methods of the Anglo-Saxons do not change over the centuries... Sanctions were imposed, and Europe stopped buying Russian fireweed tea, England remained its winning positions, I mean financially. As always, it's all about the money, and not about the people's health.

But the dried fireweed is not the Koporsky tea itself. Fireweed (its leaves) is first dried a little, then twisted on a roller, and before drying more it gets necessarily fermented, i.e. subjected to natural fermentation for 16-36 hours at a temperature of 28-30 degrees C. Then we dry it in infrared dryers with ceramic heaters, whose radiation corresponds to the Russian oven used by our ancestors. Then it matures for at least 2 months more. The so called dry fermentation takes place.

Black Koporsky tea is one of the most delicious according to the taste properties! 2/3 of the periodic table content in the tea allows it to improve the process of hematopoiesis, increase the body's protective functions, and have a pronounced calming effect. It normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the rich presence of tannins, flavonoids, terpentins, mucus and vitamin C, fireweed tea has good anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties for stomach ulcers, colitis, flatulence, enterocolitis, dysentery diarrhea, gastritis and anemia. Regular use of this tea relieves migraines, helps with anemia, insomnia, infections, delirium tremens, colds and asthma. Being a powerful natural antioxidant, it enhances the immune system. It was justly said in ancient times that this herbal tea not only heals the body, but raises the spirit and enlightens the mind. Those who drink Koporsky tea will never have problems with the prostate and sexual frustration. The name of the plant speaks for itself. One of the main advantages of fireweed tea is that it alkalizes the blood and the entire body, thus restoring strength under various types of exhaustion and after serious diseases.

After World War the First, the detractors of our country made much effort to stop production of Koporsky tea in Russia, so that all the skills and traditions of its production would be forgotten and erased from memory. Our enemies did not need strong and healthy Russian people. And, by the way, they almost succeeded...

Fortunately, there has been a recent rapid growth in the production of this amazing tea in the Russian Federation today! Every year the amount of the manufacturers grow – from small business to large ones! And that's a positive fact!!!

The most important thing is that the health and genofond of our Russian World will be strengthened, families will have healthy and strong babies, and the life expectancy will grow!!!

Drink herbal tea of Khakassia and never face diseases!!!

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