Tea wheel. 6 pyramids of 25 grams of herbal tea in a shell. Siberian SOuL brand

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According to the idea, several meanings are embedded in the Tea Wheel under the Siberian SOul brand. The package includes six pyramids, each of which consists of different herbal teas. The pyramid structure is a tool for energy conversion and storage. Pyramids packed in a shell, repeat the shape of a honeycomb. As you know, they have a harmonious shape that fully corresponds to the sacred geometry of the universe. Many of the herbs that make up the teas are collected in the places of power of Khakassia by the family enterprise LLC "Phyto-teas of Khakassia". The name of the Siberian SOul brand has a dual meaning. First of all, translated from English, it is the Siberian soul, represented by six regions of Siberia. Secondly, if you look closely, you can clearly distinguish Siberian SOl in the name, which in English means the Siberian Sun, to which the Slavs have been paying great importance since ancient times! The visual of the Siberian SOul brand is not simply chosen in the form of a Solar sign. The Slavic people from time immemorial considered the Sun a source of light, warmth and Life itself, was a symbol of the multiplication of material and spiritual benefits. The product is a Tea wheel, which is 6 varieties of herbal teas in pyramids inserted into one shell. There are no analogues. It was made under the new Siberian SOuL brand, developed for a new export line made of VERY high-quality and expensive soft touch materials with a congreve and crowding with gold and silver in Russian and English. 6 pyramids with tea represent 6 regions of Siberia and are called Khakassia, Tuva, Buryatia, Taimyr, Altai and Yakutia with a brief but interesting narrative about the region. The shell has photos and descriptions of regions in two languages, and are made in the form of postcards, has a double-sided seal. And all this is combined under the new Siberian Soul brand. It is very difficult to come up with something better for a gift from Siberia.

Herbal tea Khakassia
Ingredients: large-leaf fermented Ivan tea, cedar paw, fir paw.
Fermented Ivan tea has a rich taste, strengthens the immune system, contains a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants. Cedar needles help to cleanse blood vessels, increase their elasticity, improve blood composition, and are also indispensable for respiratory diseases of both colds and infectious nature: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. Fir foot contains beta-carotene, which is converted in the body into vitamin A, thereby improving vision.


Tuva Herbal Tea
Ingredients: Ivan tea, raspberry leaf, softest honeydew, shrubby foot, thyme.
Ivan-tea has a soothing effect, removes toxins, normalizes blood pressure, normalizes metabolism and blood pressure. Raspberry leaf reduces cholesterol, increases immunity and resistance to infectious diseases. The mildest honeydew regulates the functioning of the endocrine glands, prevents the formation of blood clots, cleanses the blood, promotes the discharge of sputum when coughing, restores potassium and iodine deficiency in the body. Shrubby gum is a natural antibiotic that destroys many types of pathogenic bacteria without causing dysbiosis. Thyme calms the nerves, has a beneficial effect on the human genitourinary system, helps with cough, bronchitis, pneumonia.


Herbal tea Yakutia
Ingredients: Narrow-leaved cypress, whitehead, Kuril tea, taiga currant leaf, pharmacy chamomile.
Cypress is used as an additional treatment for anemia, liver, kidney diseases, problems with the genitourinary system, metabolic disorders, problems with cardiovascular diseases. Whitehead dilutes blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, varicose veins, is very useful for the heart and kidneys, has a beneficial effect on brain function, improves memory. Kuril tea helps in the prevention and control of viral infections, improves the condition of blood vessels, normalizes metabolic processes in the body and the ratio of hormones, is used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis and pneumonia. Currant leaf improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes the heartbeat, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a positive effect on blood composition, cleanses it, normalizes blood pressure, has a significant effect on the normalization of vision, strengthens the immune system. Chamomile pharmacy has an antibacterial effect, reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes, stimulates the central nervous system, while reducing tension, reduces the manifestations of depression.

Herbal tea Buryatia
Ingredients: Ivan tea, St. John's wort, willow-leaved meadowsweet, raspberry leaf, Moldavian snakehead.
Ivan tea helps to reduce poisoning of the body with harmful substances. Tea contains a lot of vitamin C, even more than in citrus fruits, helps to strengthen vision. St. John's wort is an immunostimulator, and in the common people it is called a medicinal herb for 99 diseases! Willow-leaved meadowsweet reduces fever during colds, stimulates resistance, restores strength, increases elasticity and strength of the walls of arteries and capillaries in vascular problems, cleanses plaques, reduces pressure, fights varicose veins. Raspberry leaf reduces cholesterol and elevated body temperature, removes excess fluid, normalizes brain function. The Moldovan snakehead is used for diseases of the heart, liver and stomach, metabolic disorders, effectively reduces blood pressure.


Altai Herbal Tea
Ingredients: Labaznik vyazolistny, fire grass, ziziphora cuneiform, common jasnotka, peppermint.
Labaznik vyazolistny is effective for pyelonephritis, cystitis, edema, rheumatism, gout, colds, flu, herpes, increases immunity with regular use during outbreaks of infectious diseases. Specialists of the All-Russian Cancer Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have established that fire grass has a pronounced cytostatic activity, that is, it can fight neoplasms, improves digestion, helps to lose weight, has a calming effect. Ziziphora is one of the best herbs for the treatment and prevention of heart diseases, stabilizes the hormonal background, improves the state of the nervous system. Yasnotka is used for nervous exhaustion, overexcitation, diseases of the kidneys, spleen, urinary tract. Peppermint is a powerful natural antioxidant, with its regular use, which has been scientifically proven, the aging process of the body slows down, and its cells become more protected from the negative effects of free radicals.

Taimyr Herbal Tea
Ingredients: St. John's wort, willow-leaved meadowsweet, foot fir, lemon balm, nettle dioecious leaf.
St. John's wort is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder, stimulates the activity of the heart, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and central nervous system, is an immunostimulator. Experts recommend using willow–leaved meadowsweet during the rehabilitation period after a stroke - it helps to recover faster. Also, the plant will help to cope with diseases such as gout, pyelonephritis, rheumatism, excessive swelling. Fir foot fights inflammation and stimulates the immune system, relieves puffiness, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, normalizes the activity of the stomach and intestines, stimulates the heart and blood vessels, helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Lemon balm increases the body's resistance to colds, helps to lose weight, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, fights depression and stress, normalizes sleep, improves brain function. Nettle is a dioecious equal of hemoglobin in the blood, and also actively affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, restores strength.

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